Monday, May 14, 2012

Session Sharing in Xenapp

Xenapp 6.5 NEW Disconnected Session Sharing:

1.)  With XA 6.5 session sharing has been improved with disconnected session sharing
2.)  When users start seamless application the session is created and tagged with unique ID instead of initial application name
3.)  This makes the user possible to close the initial application and open a second application in a disconnected session. Also note that session will not terminate on closing the initial application because it does not depend on initial launched app since it has a Unique ID..

Requirements for Disconnected Session Sharing:
1.)  Session must belong to the user
2.)  Session must be seamless
3.)  Session must be on the server that hosts the desired application
4.)   It must match the color depth & Other settings

How does it work:
1.)  The IMA first look for disconnected sessions already running the app requested
2.)  If that’s not the case IMA next look for Users’s other disconnected sessions
3.)  If more than one session is presented user must choose a session from the list
4.)  Only if no eligible sessions --à a new session is created.

1.)  This is designed for Roaming users no configuration and its inbuilt.
2.)  It requires Latest Plugin and supports only few authentication methods(Single SIGN- ON, Passthrough, Prompt).

How does it work:
1.)  Client queries for ticket
2.)  User Credentials are replaced with random ID and saved in ticket
3.)  Client delivers the ticket with just ID
4.)  Server matches the ID to user credentials and reconnects user to session

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